Academic Year 2024


Vivekanandha College of Nursing adjoined with District AIDS Control Welfare Society conducted AIDS Awareness Rally on 06.12.2024 at OLD NAMAKKAL GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL. III year B.Sc.(N) students (50 No’s) and along with 2 Nursing Tutors [Mrs.M.Aiswarya., B.Sc.(N), Mrs.G.Sumithra., B.Sc.(N)] are participated in this Rally. The Rally headed by Dr.S.Uma.,IAS, Namakkal District Collector, Mr.K.P.N.Rajeshkumar., MP and Dr.K.Poongodi, Deputy director of family welfare, Other staffs of Integrated Counseling and Testing Centre (ICTC), Health team of PHC’S also participated in this Rally. Through this rally awareness was created about rights of the HIV Infected persons and prevention of HIV/AIDS.

Around 1000 people got awareness by the Rally.


Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing adjoined with Vivekanandha Allied Health Science College and Vivekanandha medical care hospital participated in administration of insulin-practical aspects on 17.10.2024 at VDCW Auditorium, Elayampalayam. The programme started with prayer song and followed by welcome address was given by Dr.Rajkumar, Principal of swamy Vivekanadha physiotherapy college. The programme was headed by Dr.Merlin Shyla,Principal of Vivekanandha Allied Health Science College, Elayampalaym. In this programme Dr.BHAVATHARINI ARUYERCHELVAN, Senior Consultant Diabetologist, SRC-Diabetes care centre, Erode, given brief explanation regarding Administration of Insulin-Practical Aspects by PPT Presentation.15 Staff Nurses, 3 VCN staffs ,60 VCN students,5 VAHSC staffs and 100 VAHSC students were participated in the session. Vote of thanks were given by Mrs.Arulmathi, HOD-Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing.

Through this programme our students gained knowledge regarding Administration of Insulin-Practical Aspects. Around 160students and 15 staff nurses were attended the programme and got benefited.


The world Diabetes day was organized by Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Department of medical surgical nursing on 14.11.2024 at 11.00am in Government Medical College Hospital, Namakkal. The theme of the day was “Breaking Barriers, Bridging Gaps.” The main aim was to create awareness among patients about control and prevention of Diabetes Mellitus in our community. Vivekanandha college of Nursing,,(N) students have emphasized the importance of knowing how to care the patients with Diabetes Mellitus, recognizing risk factors, and adopting a healthy lifestyle to prevent Diabetes Mellitus. The students from III year B.Sc.,(N) delivered the awareness message through charts and pictures which focused on the importance of controlling Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic foot care, prevention and management and the importance of regular exercise, balanced diet, and routine check-ups. They also encouraged for lifestyle changes to promote wellness. The event was coordinated by Prof.Dr.M.Sumathi., M.Sc.,(N).,Ph.D., Principal, Vivekanadha college of Nursing, Mrs.C.Priya.,M.Sc.,(N)., HOD, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing. Vote of thanks was given by III-B. Sc (N) students.

Through this programme patients from different community areas gained knowledge regarding Diabetes Mellitus and causes, signs & symptoms , importance of regular exercise, a balanced diet, and routine check-ups encouraged lifestyle changes to promote health, Diabetic foot care and medical managements. During this awareness programme the patients’ doubts have been clarified by doctors and nursing students. A total of 100 participants were attended the programme. The World Diabetes Day celebration at Namakkal GH was a resounding success, with active participation from students, faculty, and community members. The event provided valuable information on Diabetes Mellitus, raised awareness about Diabetes Mellitus, and motivated participants to adopt healthier lifestyles.


Vivekananda College of Nursing celebrated Children’s Day on 14.11.2024 at Panchayat Union Primary School, Ulagappampalayam at 10.00am - 1.00pm. The chief guest of this programme was Mr.Satheesh.D, MA. B.Ed., Headmaster, Panchayat Union Primary School, Ulagappampalayam. The welcome address was given by Miss. R. Prathiusha, IIIrd B.Sc.(N) student. The main objective of children’s day is to create awareness about children’s Personal hygiene, Prevention of dengue fever, Good touch and bad touch, children’s welfare and their basic rights, as well as to celebrate children’s day. Programme started with a prayer song. It was explained about the rights of children.

Cultural games such as, skit Frog race, Running race, Musical chair and Cat tail have been conducted for School children. All the students participated in cultural games with enthusiasm. Prizes were distributed to the winners. The programme ended with vote of thanks.

Total 25 childrens gained awareness about the importance and role of children in shaping the future of a country and is celebrated with great jubilation. This was a great opportunity for the IIIrd Year B.Sc.(N),II DGNM and I ANM students to spread awareness about dengue fever, children’s rights, education and welfare.


Vivekanandha College of Nursing Mental Health Nursing Department conducted “WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY AWARENESS PROGRAMME” on 09.10.2024 in Government Medical College Hospital, Namakkal. Staff Nurse, students of III year B.Sc.(N), & I year M.Sc.(N) were participated in this programme. Dr.N.Balasubramani, M.D (Psychiatric), HOD, Department of Mental Health, Government Medical College Hospital,Namakkal , Presided over the function. The Student representative has given welcome address. The objectives of the programme was to create awareness among people regarding cause, signs and psychopathology symptoms, Screening, Counseling Daily activities & Prevention of Mental illness through psychodrama. Mr.A.Arun kumar, Staff Nurse, Government Medical College Hospital- Namakkal, spoke regarding the importance of world Mental health day and also about the theme “Mental Health At Work”. Ms.Jenitha.J, I year M.Sc.(N) Student highlighted the supportive schemes and services available for Mentally ill people. The program was coordinated by Mrs.V.Chitra,M.Sc.(N), Asst.Professor.

Around 100 Patients participated in the program and got awareness about various aspects of Mental Illness.


Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing adjoined with Vivekanandha Allied Health Science College and Vivekanandha medical care hospital participated in administration of insulin-practical aspects on 17.10.2024 at VDCW Auditorium, Elayampalayam. The programme started with prayer song and followed by welcome address was given by Dr.Rajkumar, Principal of swamy Vivekanadha physiotherapy college. The programme was headed by Dr.Merlin Shyla,Principal of Vivekanandha Allied Health Science College, Elayampalaym. In this programme Dr.BHAVATHARINI ARUYERCHELVAN, Senior Consultant Diabetologist, SRC-Diabetes care centre, Erode, given brief explanation regarding Administration of Insulin-Practical Aspects by PPT Presentation.15 Staff Nurses, 3 VCN staffs ,60 VCN students,5 VAHSC staffs and 100 VAHSC students were participated in the session. Vote of thanks were given by Mrs.Arulmathi, HOD-Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing.

Through this programme our students gained knowledge regarding Administration of Insulin-Practical Aspects. Around 160students and 15 staff nurses were attended the programme and got benefited.


Breast Cancer Awareness Day was observed by Government Medical College and Hospital, Namakkal on 16.10. 2024. The theme was No one should face Breast Cancer Alone. They have arranged an Awareness Rally from Government Medical College Hospital, Namakkal to Government Medical College. The awareness Rally was started around 9. 30 am. The Rally was headed by Dr. SANTHA ARULMOZHI, MD.,DA., Dean of the Medical College and Hospital, Namakkal. Around 200 students were participated in the Rally including Medical College Students and Nursing College students. The Doctors, Nursing Superintendent and other administrative staffs from hospital also were participated in the Rally. 100 No’s III Year DGNM & B.Sc.,(N) students from our college were participated in the Rally. Students were accompanied by Mrs.ArulMathi.A, M.Sc.,(N), HOD of OBG Department and Ms.C.Deepthi, B.Sc.,(N), Nursing Tutor. Students were holding the Breast Cancer Awareness related Pluck cards and participated in the Rally. The Rally was ended around 10.30am.

100 Students were Participated in the Breast Cancer Awareness Day 2024 Rally. Around 100 people were benefited from the programme and got about Breast Cancer Awareness


The World Heart day was organized by Vivekanandha College of Nursing on 26.09.2024 at 11.00am in Government Medical College Hospital, Namakkal. The theme of the day was “MOTIVATE INDIVIDUALS TO LOOK AFTER THEIR HEART HEALTH.” The main aim was to create awareness among patients about control and prevention of cardio vascular diseases in our community. Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, joined with Government Medical College Hospital, conducted, World Heart Day on 26-09-2024 at Government Medical College Hospital, Namakkal. The programme was headed by DR.K.SANTHA ARULMOZHI DEAN, GOVT. MEDICAL COLLEGE HOSPITAL, NAMAKKAL.,(N) students have emphasized the importance of knowing how to care for the heart, recognizing risk factors, and adopting a healthy lifestyle to prevent heart diseases. They also created awareness about heart health, educated about the prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases and encouraged lifestyle changes to promote heart health. Dr.K.Santha Arulmozhi highlighted the significance of World Heart Day and the growing prevalence of heart diseases globally and encouraged students and faculty to take a proactive role in educating the community about heart health. The students from II B.Sc(N) delivered the awareness message through charts, skit, and pictures which focused on the importance of preventive measures in maintaining heart health, their risk factors, the importance of regular exercise, a balanced diet, and routine check-ups. Students presented interactive demonstrations on CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and basic life support techniques, educating the people on how to handle heart emergencies. Students have been encouraged to participate in poster-making and slogan-writing activities centered on heart health. The event was coordinated by Prof.Dr.M.Sumathi.,M.Sc.,(N).,Ph.D., Principal, VCN, Mrs.C.Priya., M.Sc.,(N)., Associate Professor, Ms.G.Yamuna.,B.Sc(N).,Mrs. R.Nandhini.,B.Sc.,(N)., Mrs.K.Indhumathi.,B.Sc.,(N) Medical Surgical Nursing Dept, VCN. Vote of thanks was given by II-B.Sc(N) students.

Through this programme our students as well as patients from different areas gained knowledge regarding CAD and causes, warning signs and how to identify the symptoms, medical & surgical managements, healthy habits and preventive aspects to lead stable and long life. During this awareness programme the patients’ doubts have been clarified by doctors and nursing students. A total of 50 participants were attended the programme. The World Heart Day celebration at Namakkal GH was a resounding success, with active participation from students, faculty, and community members. The event provided valuable information on heart health, raised awareness about cardiovascular diseases, and motivated participants to adopt healthier lifestyles.


Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Mental Health Nursing Department conducted “WORLD ALZHEIMIER’S DAY AWARENESS PROGRAMME” on 25.09.2024 in Namakkal Government Medical College And Hospital, Namakkal. Mental Health Nursing Department , Staff, students of 3rd year B.Sc.,(N), 1st year M.Sc.,(N) were participated in this programme.. The Student representative has given welcome address. The objectives of the programme was to create awareness among people regarding cause, signs and symptoms, psychopathology, diagnostic evaluation, management, psycho education, prevention of Alzheimer’s disease through Psycho Education, Poster Show, Psychological Therapies, Counselling. Mrs.V.Chitra, M.Sc.,(N), Department of Mental Health Nursing spoke regarding the importance of world Alzheimer’s day and also about the theme “Time to Act on Dementia, Time to Act on Alzheimer’s” The program was coordinated by Mrs.V.Nirosha,M.Sc.,(N), Professor, HOD, Department of Mental Health Nursing.

Around 50 patients were benefited from the programme and got awareness about Alzheimer’s disease. Our students encouraged the people & created awareness about Alzheimer’s disease.


Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Department of nursing Foundation conducted “WORLD PATIENT SAFETY DAY AWARENESS PROGRAM” on 18.09.2024 in VCN Multipurpose Hall. Nursing foundation Department Staff, students of 1’st year B.Sc(N)., were participated in this programme. The Student representative has given welcome address. The objectives of the programme was to create awareness among students regarding importance of patient safety to raise global awareness, prominence to diagnostic safety ,foster collaboration and empower patient and families through Roleplay. Ms.P.SARANYA.,M.Sc.,(N), Department of Nursing Foundation spoke regarding the importance of world patient safety day and also about the theme “IMPROVING DIAGNOSIS FOR PATIENT SAFETY”. She also highlighted the timely diagnosis is the first step to preventive intervention and effective treatment for patient safety . The program was coordinated by Mrs.T.SHOBANA., M.Sc.(N)., Nursing Tutor, Department of Nursing Foundation

99 Students participated in the program and got awareness about various aspects of patient safety. This was a great opportunity for the Faculty and I B.Sc.,(N) students to learn about Patient safety measures.


The Annual Day Celebration of Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy, Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Vivekanandha Medical Care Hospital of Allied Health Sciences & Swamy Vivekanandha Physiotherapy College, Vivekanandha Institute of Health Science and Research on 23.08.2024 in Vivekanandha A/C Auditorium.

The Annual Day Celebration was inaugurated by Vidhya Rathna Prof.Dr.M.KARUNANITHI, Chairman & Secretary, Vivekanandha Educational Institutions & Hospitals. The Chief Guest was Prof.T.SHANTHAMANI,M.A.,B.ED.,M.Phil., Motivational Speaker, Debater & Orator, Prof.Dr.R.BALAGURUNATHAN, Research Director, Vivekanandha Educational Institutions, Dr.(Capt.) S.GOKULANATHAN, Director, Dental and Paramedical Institutions, the Principals of Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy, Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Vivekanandha Medical Care Hospital of Allied Health Sciences and Swamy Vivekanandha Physiotherapy College, Vice Principal of Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Health Inspector Coordinator of Vivekanandha Institute of Health Science also Participated in the Programme. The dignitaries adorned the dais after the Tamilthai Vazhthu.

The Programme started solemnly with lighting the Kuthuvilakku by Prof.Dr.R.BALAGURUNATHAN, Research Director, Vivekanandha Educational Institutions and other dignitaries. Welcome address was given by Prof.Dr.S.K.RAJKUMAR, Principal, Swamy Vivekanandha Physiotherapy College.

Presenting the annual report is the proud moment in the programme. Annual reports have been presented by Prof.Dr.G.MURUGANANTHAN, Principal, Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy, Prof.Dr.M.SUMATHI, Principal, Vivekannandha College of Nursing, Mrs.D.MERLIN SHYLA, Principal Incharge, Allied Health Sciences, & Prof.Dr.S.K.RAJKUMAR, Swamy Vivekanandha Physiotherapy College.

The felicitation address is given by Dr.BALAGURUNATHAN, Research Director, Vivekanandha Educational Institutions. Dr.(Capt.) S.GOKULANATHAN, Director, Dental and Paramedical Institution Gracing the Occasion.

The Chief Guest Prof.T.SHANTHAMANI,M.A.,B.ED.,M.Phil., Motivational Speaker, Debater & Orator., delivered a special address to the students regarding the importance of self discipline, active involvement and interest towards studies, self determination towards goal and achievement.

She told about her career and she also mentioned that the students to be self direction, confident, Loyalty towards parents ,importance of class room Learning.

Following the Chief Guest address, the presidential address was given by Prof.Dr.R.BALAGURUNATHAN, Research Director, Vivekanandha Educational Institutions. He emphasized about the importance of empathetic approach by health care profession towards patients.

The College magazine “VCON PEARLESS-2024” is an integral part of college life. Vivekanandha College of Nursing with proud and joy released their annual magazine “VCON PEARLESS-2024” by Honorable Chairman & Secretary and the first copy was handed over to Prof.Dr.R.BALAGURUNATHAN, Research Director, Vivekanandha Educational Institutions.

Prize Distribution was done for the Nursing, Pharmacy, AHS & SVPC students for their academic excellence, cultural events as well as staffs for their 100% result achievement. The prizes were given by Chief Guest and Honorable Chairman & Secretary.

After the lunch the cultural events started at 2.30pm. The auditorium is electrified by the students of Pharmacy, Nursing, AHS, SVPC and VIHS with their rocking performance. The auditorium is electrified by the students of Pharmacy, Nursing, AHS, SVPC and VIHS with their rocking performance.

Vote of thanks given by Prof.Dr.M.GEETHA, Vice Principal, Vivekanandha College of Nursing. The annual day celebration was ended with the National Anthem.


The 31st cultural day (PHENURAH-2024) was conducted for Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy, Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Vivekanandha Medical Care Hospital - Allied Health Sciences & Swamy Vivekanandha Physiotherapy College, Vivekanandha Institute of Health Science & Research, Elayampalayam from 20.08.2024 to 22.08.2024 in Vivekanandha A/C Auditorium.

The cultural fest was inaugurated by PROF.DR.M.KARUNANITHI, Chairman & Secretary and MRS.KRISHNAVENI KARUNANITHI, Managing Director on 20.08.2024. Chief guest for First day Cultural fest was PROF.DR.M.KARUNANITHI, Chairman & Secretary, The Cultural fest was Presided by Mr.M.CHOKKALINGAM, Chief Executive, Vivekanandha Educational Institutions on 20.08.2024. Chief guest for Second day Cultural fest was Dr.K.SREERAAGHANIDHI ARTHANAREESWARAN, MS., Joint Secretary of Vivekanandha Educational Institutions & Hospitals on 21.08.2024. Chief guest for Third day Cultural fest was Dr.K.B.NIVETHANA KRUPANIDHI,M.S., Director of Vivekanandha Educational Institutions & Hospitals on 22.08.2024.

The beginning of the cultural programme was started, with Tamilthaivazhthu and The Welcome Address was given by Prof.Dr.S.K.RAJKUMAR, MPT., Ph.D., Principal of Swamy Vivekanandha Physiotherapy College. The jury members are Mrs.S.BHUVANESHWARI, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil, Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences, Mrs.N.NISHA SULTHANA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Vivekanandha College of Technology for Women.

Various cultural events such as Group dance, Mime, variety show etc., have been conducted. Best performers were selected as winners. Finally the programme ended with National Anthem at 4.00pm on 22.08.2024.


The Annual Sports Meet-2024 was conducted for Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy, Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Vivekanandha Medical Care Hospital - Allied Health Sciences & Swamy Vivekanandha Physiotherapy College, Vivekanandha Institute of Health Science and Research, Elayampalayam on 19.08.2024 in VCEW play ground at 10.00am.

The beginning of the Sports Events started with Tamilthaivazhthu. The Chief Guest was Dr.N.RAJENDRAN, Executive Officer, Vivekanandha Educational Institutuions, Tiruchengode, Namakkal District. Welcome Address was given, followed by our National flag has been hoisted by the chief guest & the programme was inaugurated. Olympic Flag was hoisted by the guest of honor Dr.N.RAJENDRAN, Executive Officer, Vivekanandha Educational Institutuions, & our college Sports Flag was hoisted by Prof.Dr.G.MURUGANANDHAN, Principal of SVCP, & Prof.Dr.M.SUMATHI, Principal of VCN, our College Flag was hoisted by Prof.Dr.S.K.RAJKUMAR, Principal of SVPC, Mrs.D.MERLIN SHYLA, Principal Incharge of AHS.

March Past Ceremony was conducted by students and Olympic Torch relay was done by state and district level sports students and finally Olympic flame was ignited. The sports events declaration was announced by the chief guest. Freedom of pigeon was done by the dignitaries.

Various sports events such as 100 meters Running, Relay, Short put, Javelin Throw, Throw ball, Volley ball, KHO-KHO have been conducted.

Best performers were selected as winners. At the end of the events the vote of thanks has been given at 4.00pm the programme ended with National Anthem.

Academic Year 2023


Vivekananda College of Nursing celebrated Children’s Day on 17.11.2023 at Panchayat Union Primary School, Ulagappampalayam at 10.00am - 1.00pm. The chief guest of this programme was Mr.Satheesh.D, MA. B.Ed., Headmaster, Panchayat Union Primary School, Ulagappampalayam. The welcome address was given by Miss. M.Thirisha, IIIrd B.Sc.(N) student. The main objective of children’s day is to create awareness about children’s personal hygiene, Prevention of dengue fever, Good touch and bad touch, children’s welfare and their basic rights, as well as to celebrate children’s day. Programme started with a prayer song. The pledge was taken by Ist standard to Vth standard students about children’s rights.

  • No discrimination
  • Life survival and development
  • Name and Nationality
  • Identity
  • Respect for children’s views
  • Sharing thoughts freely
  • Freedom of thought and religion
  • Protection of privacy
  • Responsibility of parents
  • Protection from violence
  • Protection from sexual abuse
  • Children with disabilities
  • Health, water, food and environment
  • Access to education
  • Rest, play, culture and arts
  • Cultural games such as, Frograce, Running race, Stone arrange and Traffic signal have been conducted for School children. All the students participated in cultural games with enthusiasm. Prizes distributed for the winners. Finally programme ended with vote of thanks.

    Total 25 childrens gained awareness about the importance and role of children in shaping the future of a country and is celebrated with great jubilation. This was a great opportunity for the IIIrd Year B.Sc.(N) students to spread awareness about dengue fever, children’s rights, education and welfare.


    Vivekanandha College of Nursing, National Service Scheme and Environmental Committee conducted a tree plantation programme on 05.10.2023 in Kokkarayanpettai village. The programme was headed by M.Sangeetha Mohan, President, Kokkarayanpettai Panchayat. Dr.M.Geetha, M.Sc(N)., Ph.D(N), Vice Principal, Vivekanandha College of Nursing, National Service Scheme nodal officer Mrs.S.Shanmugapriya, M.Sc.,(N), Environmental committee presiding officer Ms.N.Prageetha, M.Sc.,(N) and III year GNM Nursing students were participated in the programme. Out of 42 tree saplings one Vilva tree sapling was planted in Sundara Pandeeswarar temple at Kumaramangalam and one Vilva tree sapling was planted in Brama Lingeshwarar temple, Kokkarayanpettai. 25 Tamarind Tree saplings and 15 poovarasan tree saplings were planted in Thottilpalayam road side with the help of Panchayat workers.


    Vivekanandha College of Nursing adjoined with Vivekanandha Dental college for women conducted a Mega Health Camp on 04.10.2023 at Kolaram panchayat. The Dental and Diploma Nursing final year students participated in the camp. The Mega Health Camp is headed by Dr.S.Gokulanathan, B.Sc, MDS, Director of Dental and Paramedical sciences. Prof.Dr.Jesudasan Reader Department of General Surgery/Pediatrician and Prof.Dr.S.Nagalakshmi, Principal, Vivekanandha Dental College for women Dr.M.Sumathi, M.Sc(N), Ph.D(N), Principal, Vivekanandha College of Nursing Dr.Syed kalith altaf, HOD, Orthodonics and Prof.Dr.Senthil Public Health Dentistry are conducted the Mega Health Camp.

    Activities carried out in the health camp;

  • General health assessment
  • Dental assessment
  • Diagnostic Evaluation for Diabetes & Hypertension
  • Scaling & Filling
  • Health Education
  • Referral services & Non communicable Disease Various
  • Around 100 people got benefited in this mega health camp. Various disorders such as Gingivitis, Peritonitis, Dental Carries, Smokers melanosis, Partial Edentulousness, Root Stump, Decayed Tooth etc., were identified and referred those people to get free treatment from Swamy Vivekanandha Medical College Hospital & Research Institute & Vivekanandha Medical Care Hospital, Elayampalayam, Thiruchengode.


    Vivekanandha College of Nursing adjoined with Department of Directorate Public Health and Preventive Medicine conducted Indradhanush Mission Awareness Rally on 08.09.2023 at Manickampalayam PHC, Namakkal. II year B.Sc.(N) students (96 No’s) and along with 2 Nursing Tutors [Mrs.S.Shanmugapriya. M.Sc.(N), Ms.J.Jenitha. B.Sc.(N)] participated in this Rally. The Rally headed by Mrs. Dhanalakshmi, District Maternal Child Health Officer, Dr.K.Karunagaran, MBBS, Block Medical officer, Manickampalayam PHC,Mrs.S.Devi, Maternal Child Health Officer, Principal, Government School of ANM, Manickampalayam. Other staff of primary health center, Manickampalayam also participated in this Rally. Through this rally awareness was created about immunization and its importance in prevention of diseases.

    Around 1000 people got benefited by the Awareness Rally.


    As per the mail communication from JDHS office, we have received 190 saplings from JDHS office, Namakkal. We Vivekanandha School of Nursing & National Service Scheme have conducted Tree plantation on 11.09.2023 at Vivekanandha School of Nursing, Elayampalayam & VEI Campus. The tree plantation is headed by Dr.S.Gokulnathan, B.Sc, MDS, Director of Dental & Paramedical Courses, Dr.M.Sumathi, M.Sc(N), Ph.D Principal, Vivekanandha College of Nursing, National Service Scheme Nodal Officer Mrs.S.Shanmugapriya. M.Sc.(N), Nursing Tutor, National Service Scheme Member Mrs.S.Sunmathe, Biochemistry Tutor. I year B.Sc.(N) students were participated in the tree plantation.

    All the Tree saplings are planted safely to enhance the Eco friendly environment. This help to promote the health of people by reducing various pollution.


    Vivekanandha College of Nursing Mental Health Nursing Department conducted “WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY AWARENESS PROGRAM” on 11.09.2023 in Karichipalayam Area. Mental Health Nursing Department HOD, Staff, students of 3rd year B.Sc.(N), 2nd year B.Sc.(N), 2nd year P.B.B.Sc.(N), were participated in this programme. Mrs.V.Nirosha, M.Sc.(N) Department of Mental Health Nursing presided over the function. The Student representative has given welcome address. The objectives of the programme was to create awareness among people regarding cause, signs and symptoms, family and individual counseling, psycho education, prevention of suicide through sociodrama. Mrs.V.Nirosha, M.Sc.(N), Department of Mental Health Nursing spoke regarding the importance of world suicide prevention day and also about the theme “CREATING HOPE THROUGH ACTION”. She also highlighted the suicide helpline number, supportive schemes and services available for suicide ideation people. The program was coordinated by Mrs.V.Chitra, M.Sc.(N), Nursing Tutor, Department of Mental Health Nursing.

    Around 50 people participated in the program and got awareness about various aspects of suicide and importance of counseling in preventing suicide attempt.


    World Ozone day was celebrated by environmental committee on 15.09.2023 at Manickampalayam PHC, Namakkal. Our Vivekanandha College of Nursing, II year B.Sc(N) students (96No’s) along with 2 Nursing Tutors [Mrs.M.Sindhumathi.M.Sc(N), Ms.A.Pramila Devi.B.Sc(N)] are participated in this Programme. This programme was headed by Dr.Mrs.M.Geetha,.MSc(N).,Ph.D(N) vice principal of vivekanandha college of nursing was participated. In this Programme speech given by our II Year students On the them of preserving Ozone. It underrate commitment to safeguard Ozone layer. And spread awareness among the students & public about how crucial the ozone shield is for the life on earth . Its gradual depletion of ozone layer and the need to search for possible solutions to preserve it. This program was organized by Ms.N.Prageetha.,M.Sc(N),. Vote of thanks was given by II Year student.


    We Vivekanandha College of Nursing had visited at Aavin Milk Dairy, Thalavapatty, Salem. Our students of Ist year –M.Sc.,(N), I year P.B.B.Sc.,(N), IInd year -B.Sc.,(N) and Ist year -DGNM, visited on 25.09.2023 & 26.09.2023 batch wise. Totally 160 students had visited and gathered information regarding Aavin Milk Dairy process and routines explained by Mr.Murali E.O and objectives were met.

    Areas visited were:

    • Milk Koha, Butter, Ghee, Milk Powder & Milk Product Sweets Preparation Process
    • Milk Pasteurization, Homogenizer & Cream Separation Processes
    • Milk & Milk Products Storage System
    • Milk & Milk Products Packing Area Processes

    All the students are observed the activities of Aavin Milk Dairy and acquired knowledge regarding Milk and Milk Products Making and Storage Procedure.


    Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Mental Health Nursing Department conducted “WORLD ALZHEIMIER’S DAY AWARENESS PROGRAMME” on 21.09.2023 in Manickampalayam PHC. Mental Health Nursing Department HOD, Staff, students of 3rd year B.Sc.,(N), 2nd year B.Sc.,(N), 1st year M.Sc.,(N) were participated in this programme. Dr.K.Karunakaran, MBBS, Block Medical Officer, Manickampalayam PHC presided over the function. The Student representative has given welcome address. The objectives of the programme was to create awareness among people regarding cause, signs and symptoms, psychopathology, diagnostic evaluation, management, psycho education, prevention of Alzheimer’s disease through video presentation. Mrs.V.Nirosha, M.Sc.,(N), HOD, Department of Mental Health Nursing spoke regarding the importance of world Alzheimer’s day and also about the theme “NEVER TOO EARLY, NEVER TOO LATE”. The program was coordinated by Mrs.V.Chitra, M.Sc.,(N), Nursing Tutor, Department of Mental Health Nursing.

    Around 50 people participated in the program and got awareness about various aspects and importance of preventing Alzheimer’s disease.


    The Annual Day Celebration of Vivekanandha College of Nursing was celebrated adjoining with Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy, Vivekanandha Medical Care Hospital of Allied Health Sciences & Swamy Vivekanandha Physiotherapy College on 11.08.2023 in Vivekanandha A/C Auditorium.

    Inauguration Procession and Tamilthai Vazhthu

    The Annual Day Celebration was inaugurated by Vidhya Rathna Prof.Dr.M.KARUNANITHI, Chairman & Secretary, Vivekanandha Educational Institutions & Hospitals. The Chief Guest was “KALAIMAMANI” SMT.DESAMANGAIYARKARASI, Disciple of Vallal Variyar Swamigal. PROF.S.KUPPUSWAMI, Executive Director, Vivekanandha Educational Institutions, Dr.(Capt.) S.GOKULANATHAN, Director, Dental and Paramedical Institutions, the Principals of Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy, Vivekanandha Medical Care Hospital of Allied Health Sciences and Vice Principal of Vivekanandha College of Nursing also Participated in the Programme. The dignitaries adorned the dais after the Tamilthai Vazhthu.

    Lighting Kuthuvilakku & Welcome Address

    The Programme started solemnly with lighting the Kuthuvilakku by Prof.Dr.M.KARUNANITHI, Chairman & Secretary, Vivekanandha Educational Institutions & Hospitals. and other dignitaries. Welcome address was given by Prof.Dr.S.K.RAJKUMAR, Principal, Allied Health Sciences & Swamy Vivekanandha Physiotherapy College

    Annual Report

    Presenting the annual report is the proud moment in the programme. Annual reports have been presented by Prof.Dr.G.MURUGANANTHAN, Principal, Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy, Prof.Dr.M.SUMATHI, Principal, Vivekannandha College of Nursing & Prof.Dr.S.K.RAJKUMAR, Principal, Allied Health Sciences & Swamy Vivekanandha Physiotherapy College.


    The felicitation address is given by Dr.(Capt.) S.GOKULANATHAN, Director, Dental and Paramedical Institutions & PROF.S.KUPPUSWAMI, Executive Director, Vivekanandha Educational Institutions.

    Chief Guest Address & Presidential Address

    The Chief Guest “KALAIMAMANI” SMT.DESAMANGAIYARKARASI, delivered a special address to the students regarding the importance of self discipline, active involvement and interest towards studies, self determination towards goal and achievement.

    She told about her career and she also mentioned that the students to be smart, extrovert and confident.

    Following the Chief Guest address, the presidential address was given by Honorable Chairman & Secretary, Vivekanandha Educational Institutions & Hospitals. He emphasized about the importance of empathetic approach by health care profession towards patients.

    Magazine Release By VCN

    The College magazine “VCON PEARLESS-2023” is an integral part of college life. Vivekanandha College of Nursing with proud and joy released their annual magazine “VCON PEARLESS-2023” by Honorable Chairman & Secretary and the first copy was handed over to the Director.

    Magazine Release By SVCP

    Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy digital magazine V-Discover.

    Prize Distribution

    Prize Distribution was done for the Nursing, Pharmacy, AHS & SVPC students for their academic excellence, cultural events as well as staffs for their 100% result achievement. The prizes were given by Chief Guest and Honorable Chairman & Secretary.

    Cultural Events

    After the lunch the cultural events started at 2.30pm. The auditorium is electrified by the students of Nursing, Pharmacy, AHS and SVPC with their rocking performance.

    Vote of Thanks

    Vote of thanks given by Prof.Dr.M.GEETHA, Vice Principal, Vivekanandha College of Nursing. The annual day celebration was ended with the National Anthem.


    The 30TH cultural day (PHENURAH-2023) was conducted for Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy, Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Vivekanandha Medical Care Hospital - Allied Health Sciences & Swamy Vivekanandha Physiotherapy College, Elayampalayam from 08.08.2023 to 10.08.2023 in Vivekanandha A/C Auditorium.


    The cultural fest was inaugurated by PROF.DR.M.KARUNANITHI, Chairman & Secretary and MRS.KRISHNAVENI KARUNANITHI, Managing Director on 08.08.2023. Chief guest for First day Cultural fest was PROF.DR.M.KARUNANITHI, Chairman & Secretary on 08.08.2023. Chief guest for Second day Cultural fest was Dr.K.SREERAAGHANIDHI ARTHANAREESWARAN, MS., Joint Secretary of Vivekanandha Educational Institutions & Hospitals on 09.08.2023. Chief guest for Third day Cultural fest was Dr.K.B.NIVETHANA KRUPANIDHI,M.S., Director of Vivekanandha Educational Institutions & Hospitals on 10.08.2023.

    The beginning of the cultural programme was started, with Tamilthaivazhthu and The Welcome Address was given by Prof.Dr.S.K.RAJKUMAR, MPT., Ph.D., Principal of Allied Health Sciences & Swamy Vivekanandha Physiotherapy College. The jury members are Ms.S.KAVIYA, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences, Dr.V.RATHI, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Vivekanandha College of Technology for Women.

    Cultural Events

    Various cultural events such as Group dance, Mime, variety show etc., have been conducted. Best performers were selected as winners. Finally the programme ended with National Anthem at 5.00pm on 10.08.2023.

    Total Prize List

    Total Participants List


    The Annual Sports meet-2023 was conducted for Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy, Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Vivekanandha Medical Care Hospital - Allied Health Sciences & Swamy Vivekanandha Physiotherapy College, Elayampalayam on 07.08.2022 in VCEW play ground at 10.00am.


    The beginning of the Sports Events started with Tamilthaivazhthu. The Chief Guest was Mr.PM.EMAYAVARAMBAN, M.E., DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE, Tiruchengode, Namakkal District. Welcome Address was given, followed by our National flag has been hoisted by the chief guest & the programme was inaugurated. Olympic Flag was hoisted by the guest of honor Mr.Jayaraman, & our college Sports Flag was hoisted by Dr.S.Gokulanathan, Director, Dental & Paramedical Courses.

    March Past Ceremony and Olympic Torch Relay

    March Past Ceremony was conducted by students and Olympic Torch relay was done by state and district level sports students and finally Olympic flame was ignited. The sports events declaration was announced by the chief guest. Freedom of pigeon was done by the dignitaries.

    Sports Events

    Various sports events such as 100 meters Running, Relay, Short put, Javelin Throw, Throw ball, Volley ball, KHO-KHO have been conducted.

    Best performers were selected as winners. At the end of the events the vote of thanks has been given at 4.00pm the programme ended with National Anthem.


    Internal complaints committee of Vivekanandha College of Nursing conducted video awareness programme regarding women safety on 28.07.2023 at 11.00am through video (short film) presentation. The programme has created awareness regarding women safety, POCSO, awareness of social media and student motivational video, sexual harassment types. The programme was coordinated by Mrs.V.Nirosha, M.Sc(N)., Associate Professor, HOD, Presiding officer, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Elayampalayam, Tiruchengode.

    Committee members and 150 Students attended the awareness programme. This is a great opportunity for the members and students to gain the knowledge regarding women safety, sexual harassment and POCSO, Students Motivation.



    Vivekanandha College of Nursing and Swamy Vivekanadha Naturopathy & Yoga Medical College Veerachipalayam conducted International Yoga Day programme on 21/06/2023 at Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Elayampalayam. Dr.Aarthi. BNYS, M.Sc(Yoga) Presided over the function. The Student representative have given welcome address. The objectives of the program was to create awareness about physical and Mental Health through practicing yoga. Ms.Jesintha., B.Sc.,(N), Nursing Tutor, explained regarding the importance of international yoga day and also, about the theme “Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”. The Importance of yoga and availability of yoga Activities also was highlighted for students of Vivekanandha College of Nursing. The students have been given yoga activities from 7.30 am to 8.30 am. The programme was coordinated by Mrs.V.Chitra, M.Sc.,(N)., Nursing Tutor, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Tiruchengode.

    Around 160 students participated in the program and they followed Yoga activities. This was a great opportunity for the B.Sc.,(N) students to initiate yoga activities which is a relaxation therapy.


    Theme : People first:stop stigma and discrimination,strengthen prevention

    Vivekanandha College of Nursing and Tiruchengode Police officers conducted International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking rally on 26/06/2023.The rally started in Tiruchengode New Bus Stand at 10.30am.Mr.Rajesh Kannan, Superintendent of police, Tiruchengode Presided over the function. Mr.Imayavaramban, Deputy Superintendent of police, Tiruchengode has given welcome address. The objectives of the Rally was to create awareness among people regarding Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking& its prevention. Mrs.Malarvizhi, Sub Superintendent of police, Tiruchengode explained regarding the importance of Prevention of Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and also, about the theme “People first: stop stigma and discrimination, strengthen prevention”. The students have started rally at 10.30 am from New bus stand, Tiruchengode. The programme was coordinated by Mrs.V.Chitra, M.Sc.,(N)., Nursing Tutor, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Tiruchengode.

    Around 400 students & Faculties participated in the rally and the Rally is effective, increativity awareness about various aspects of Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking & its prevention to the People. This was a great opportunity for the ANM, DGNM & B.Sc.,(N), students to create awareness by Rally which give the information against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.


    International Nurses day was celebrated by Vivekanandha College of Nursing on 13.05.2023. The theme was “Our Nurse Our Future.” The programme was inaugurated by igniting the Holy lamp by the dignitaries. Welcome address was given by Mrs.V.Gayathri M.Sc(N).,Assistant professor. Felicitation was given by Prof.Dr.M.Sumathi, M.Sc(N).,Ph.D, Principal of Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Prof. Dr. M. Geetha M. Sc., Ph. D(N) Vice Principal, Vivekanandha College of Nursing. Honouring the chief guest Mrs.Vijayachitra M.Sc.(N).,Maternal and Child Health officer, Erode corporation, Erode was by the honorable Chairman and Secretary vidhya rathna’ Prof. Dr.M.Karunanithi and Principal of Vivekanandha College of nursing.

    Chief guest address was given by Mrs.Vijaya chitra M.Sc.(N)., Maternal and Child Health officer, Erode corporation Erode. Mrs.Padmavathi , Staff Nurse, Vivekanandha Medical Care Hospital sharing about her nursing experience. Presidential address given by ‘vidhya rathna’ Prof. Dr.M.Karunanithi B.Pharm,M.S,Ph.D.,D.Litt.,Chairman and Secretary ,Vivekanandha Educational Institutions & Hospitals.

    Honouring the ‘‘Best clinical nurse of SVMCH-2023" was awarded by honourable Chairman and Secretary, ‘vidhya rathna’ Prof. Dr.M.Karunanithi B.Pharm,M.S,Ph.D.,D.Litt.,Vivekanandha College of Nursing to Mr.Ajith kumar staff nurse of SVMCH, and distributed the prizes for winners and SNA Office bearers of 2023 was announced by the dignitaries.

    All the nursing students, Staff nurses of SVMCH, Nursing faculty participated in the programme and celebrated the International nurses day with enthusiasm and felt proud to be blessed as a registered nurse.


    Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Department of OBG conducted a International Midwives day programme on 05.05.2023 at Government Medical College Hospital, Namakkal. The IVth year B.Sc nursing students were participated. The programme headed by Dr.A.Gayathri,MS,OG, Government Medical College Hospital, Namakkal. The student representative has delivered the welcome address. The objectives of the programme were inform every individual about the important role of midwives for pregnant women and her baby, celebrate the achievements and contributions of midwives in the health sector and motivate policymakers to ensure resources to midwives and to give them the deserved recognition.The IVth year B.Sc. nursing students were performed a roleplay regarding the quality of care provided by midwives to the newborns, women and their families.The programme was coordinated by Mrs.P.Indira,M.Sc(N)., Nursing Tutor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing, Vivekanandha College of Nursing.

    Around 20 mothers were participated in the program and they recognized the importance of midwives role in the health care sector. This was a great opportunity for the IV year B.Sc Nursing students to honor midwives work and promote awareness about their importance in providing crucial care to mothers and their newborns.


    Vivekanandha College of Nursing NSS Committee Conducted Immunization awareness programme in lieu of world immunization week on 26.04.2023 at Manickampalayam PHC.This is headed by Dr. R.Karunagaren, MBBS - Block Medical Officer, Manickampalayam PHC, Elachipalayam block. The welcome address was given by II year ANM student. The aim of the programme is to highlight the collective action needed to protect children from vaccine- preventable diseases. Students have Explaine the updated National immunization schedule through chart presentation, socio drama, and song. II Year ANM students have participated in the awareness programme and exhibited their knowledge on various types of immunization.

    Around 50 people were benefited from the programme and got awareness about various types of immunization. Our students encouraged people to get vaccines, which helps to prevent the spread of deadly diseases.


    We Vivekananda College of Nursing have conducted World Tuberculosis Day in Nallur PHC. The beginning of the programme was started with Tamilthai Vazhthu by II year ANM Students. The welcome address was given by Mrs.S.Shanmugapriya, M.Sc.(N), Nursing Tutor, Department of Community Health Nursing, Dr.TAMILMANI, Block Medical Officer, Nallur PHC, felicitated and explained in detail about World Tuberculosis Day. Health education was given about Tuberculosis, causes, signs and symptoms, diagnostic studies, management and complications, prevention. We also explained about theme “Yes! We can end TB!”. Students actively participated in Drama & Speech. Vote of thanks was given by Ms.G.Sathya, B.Sc.(N), Nursing Tutor, Department of Community Health Nursing. Finally the programme was dispersed by National Anthem.

    The people those attended the program in Nallur, PHC are gained knowledge regarding Tuberculosis, causes, signs and symptoms, diagnostic studies, management and complications & Prevention of Tuberculosis. This will useful to attainour goal of Yes! We can end TB! their of World Tuberculosis Day 2023.


    The Purpose of Fresher’s day is to welcome new students in a friendly atmosphere and to encourage their creative impulses to boost their confidence. It is the day where seniors and juniors finally bond and unite to celebrate being part of the college. (Batch:2022-23) B.Sc. Nursing, DGNM, ANM students have been given warm welcome by Roses to this function which was organized by Student Nurses Association. The program was started by Tamil Thaivazhthu 10.45 am. The programme was started with lightening the wholey Lamp by our by Honourable chairman and secretary “VidhyaRathna” Prof. Dr. M. Karunanithi, B.Pharm., M.S., Ph.D., D.Litt.,. The welcome speech have been given by IVth Year B.Sc. (N) student Ms.Annmarry. The felicitation given by Dr.(CAPT) S.Gokulanathan, B.Sc., MDS., Director,Dental & Paramedical Institution & Prof. Dr. M.Sumathi, M.Sc (N).,Ph.D., Principal of VCN . Students of B.Sc. Nursing have been DGNM, ANM given their feedback about the College facilities, Hostel facilities, Transport facility, Grivence meeting & Benefits of Mentoring system. The Presidential address was given by “VidhyaRathna” Prof. Dr. M. Karunanithi, B.Pharm., M.S.,Ph.D.,D.Litt., Chairman and Secretary of Vivekanandha Educational Institutions and Hospitals. Then the cultural events were given by students. Finally the Programme ended with vote of thanks followed by National anthem.


    Vivekanandha College of Nursing Conducted World Cancer Day Awarness Programme on 04/02/2023 at Manickapalayam primary health center . The Student representative have given welcome address to the gathering. The objective of the program was to create Awareness among people regarding Cancer its causes, signs and symptoms,warning signs, Diagnostic evaluation, Treatment modalities , special therapies, prevention and dietary management. Dr. Baby Lilly, Medical officer and Dr.Suji Preethi Medical Officer Spoke regarding the importance of world cancer day and about the theme “Close the Care gap”, Cancer Prevention and how the public need to lead a healthy lifestyle for their betterment.A Role play was exhibited by II year B.Sc(N) Students about Cancer & Its Prevention. They also used Various AV-aids such as Posters,Pluck Cards& Flash Cards to teach about cancer .

    Around 30 patients participated in the program and they identified that the program was effective, got awareness about cancer and motivated about screening. This was a great opportunity for the II B.Sc(N) students to create awareness among Public about cancer.

    The programme was coordinated Mrs.A.suganya B.Sc(N),Nursing Tutor. Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Elayampalayam.


    The Indian Red Cross Society is a voluntary humanitarian organization, established by an act of the Indian Legislature in 1920, having on its rolls the states, the union territories, the districts and the sub-district branches. Its activities are being directed forward to the “Prevention of Diseases, Improvement of Health and Mitigation of Suffering”. The Indian Red Cross Society realized the importance of the youth way back in 1925 and established Junior Red Cross (JRC) in schools and Youth Red Cross (YRC) in colleges.

    Objectives of YRC

    • Promotion and protection of health and life.
    • Selfless services to the sick and suffering.
    • Promotion of national and international friendship. Disaster relief to the victims.
    • Disaster relief to the victims
    • Service to others such as First Aid and Home Nursing.
    • Promotion of Voluntary Blood Donation & Eye Donation Movement

    The programme focuses on the following areas

    • Encourage community service through training and education Disseminate
    • The seven fundamental principles of Red Cross and Red Crescent movement through activities that encourage the Red Cross ideals
    • Promote international friendship with activities that cultivate a humanitarian spirit
    • Support in the development of youth programmes, fund-raising, identification of material and human resources, The youth unit aims to have young people recognized by Societies leadership as equal partners who address the needs of the most vulnerable


    Our Vision is to provide opportunities to the youth – the makers of the future, to inculcate healthy living habits and to contribute their values to uplift our society.


    • To inspire, encourage community service through training and education and initiate all forms of humanitarian activities at all times so that human sufferings can be minimized and even prevented and this contribute to create climate for peace
    • Improve the learning experience for the students
    • Implement required systems and processes for delivering consistent quality
    • Inspire endeavors towards achieving Dr. Abdul Kalam’s Vision.

    Seven Fundamental Principles of Youth Red Cross

    1. Humanity

    The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors, in its international and national capacity, to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found.

    2. Impartiality

    It makes no discrimination as to nationally, race, rich and poor, religious beliefs, sex, class or political opinions. IRCS offers its services equally, for those who are in need. It endeavors to relieve the suffering of individuals, being solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress.

    3. Neutrality

    In order to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides in hostilities or engage in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.

    4. Independence

    The Movement is independent. The National Societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement.

    5. Unity

    There can be only one Red Cross Or Red Crescent in any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory

    6. Universality

    The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which all societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other, is worldwide.

    7. Voluntary service

    It is voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manager by desire for gain.


    1. Dr. M.Sumathi Principal Chairperson
    2. Dr. M.Geetha Vice principal Co-chairperson
    3. Mrs.P.Nalini Nursing Tutor Coordinator
    4. All students of VCON Students Volunteers

    Academic Year 2021


    1. 05.09.2021 Teachers day
    2. 11.09.2021 World Suicide prevention day
    3. 14.09.2021 World First Aid Day
    4. 21.09.2021 World Alzheimer’s day
    5. 26.09.2021 World Environmental Health Day
    6. 04.10.2021 Medical Camp
    7. 17.10.2021 World Food Day
    8. 29.09.2021 World Heart Day


    This year, World Pneumonia Day on 12 the November 2021, is held during cop 26- the UN Climate change Conference. This is a critical moment to bring together the health, air quality and climate community to tackle the biggest infectious killer on the planet. The need for clean air action is clear. Reducing air pollution will deliver significant benefits to health and the environment.

    This World Pneumonia Day, Every Breath Counts is calling on governments with heavy burdens of pneumonia and air pollution to commit to reducing air pollution-related pneumonia deaths by 50 per cent by 2021. The theme for world Pneumonia Day 2021- “Stop Pneumonia – Every Breath Count.”

    In our college, world health day is conducted by Medical Surgical Nursing Department faculties. II-GNM & B.Sc and III-B.Sc Nursing students are actively participated in this celebration. The program was organized by YRC members.


    World Tsunami awareness day was observed every year across the global on 5th November. In December 2015, the United Nations selected 5th November as the world Tsunami awareness day to call on international bodies, civil society and counties to raise awareness about the nature disaster. The theme of world Tsunami awareness day 2021 is “Enhancing International Cooperation for Developing Counties to Raise Tsunami Awareness”

    In our college, world Tsumani day is conducted by Medical Surgical Nursing Department faculties. II-GNM & B.Sc and III-B.Sc Nursing students are actively participated in this celebration. The program was organized by YRC members.


    World Heart Day is celebrated on September 29 every year. The day is celebrated to spread awareness about the cardiovascular disease which causes nearly half of all the non communicable disease in the world. In May 2012, world leader committed them to reduce the death caused by non communicable disease by 25% by 2025. According to the world health organization (WHO), cardio vascular disease take the lives of 17.9million people every year which is 31% of all the global deaths.

    This year, the theme for World Heart Day is “Use Heart to connect”; it aims to highlight the power of digital health to improve awareness, prevention and management of CBD globally.

    In our college, world health day is celebrated by Medical Surgical Nursing Department faculties. II- GNM and III-B.SC Nursing are actively participated in this celebration. The program was concluded by student’s feedback. The program was organized by YRC members.


    In India, a national programme of Leprosy, entitled the National Leprosy Control Programme (NLCP) was started by the Government of India (GOL), in 1955. Wherein dapsone domiciliary treatment was given through vertical units and survey, education and treatment activities were implemented to control Leprosy. Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by a bacillus, Mycobacterium leprae, which multiplies slowly. On average, the disease incubation period is 5 years but symptoms may occur within 1 year. It can also take as long as 20 years or even more to occur. Leprosy mainly affects the skin, the peripheral nerves, mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, and the eyes.

    In our college, Leprosy survey programme training and survey awareness was organized by Dr. Jayanthini, Deputy Director of Leprosy, Namakkal, Mr. Lakshmi Narayanan, Health Educator, Mr.K. Boovaneshwaran, Non-Medical Supervisor, Mr.N. Manokaran NMS and M. Sivashamnugam NMS were also explained about how to identify the Leprosy causes while doing home visit. I-ANM students were actively participated and in the program and gained more knowledge about Leprosy.

    Leprosy survey training program conducted from 25.10.2021 to 29.10.2021 at Manickampalayam and Tiruchengode. They have identified 3 causes and advices them to go to follow up care.


    Every year, World Food Day is to appreciate the amazing food we eat, but also to tackle world hunger. This day is celebrated on October 16 which marks the creation of FAO in 1945. World Food Day was established in November 1979, suggested by former Hungarian Minister of Agriculture and Food Dr Pal Romany. It is celebrated by more than 150 countries around the world.

    The theme for world food day 2021 is “Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow”. The idea is to celebrate the food heroes or individuals who have made significant contribution to build a sustainable world where no one has to stay hungry. This year the emphasis of world food day is to build a hungry free world. In our college, the students were motivated not to waste food as wasted food means wastage of money and efforts which is never good for anyone. It is important to eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that are loaded with significant nutritional value and health benefits.

    The teachers encouraged them to adopt healthy eating habits as eating well is fundamental to good health and well-being. Healthy eating helps us to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of many diseases. The program was organized by YRC members.


    World Environmental Health Day is observed globally on 26th September every year. This day is celebrated to shed the light on important work of environmental health around the world. The theme for the 2021 “Prioritizing environmental health for healthier communities in global recovery”.

    In 2011 the International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) declared to promote the awareness of different issues surrounding the environmental health. Environmental health is considered as the health issues outside the human body and the environmental factors that can pose a threat to human health in form of disease and sickness.

    There are many environmental issues like pollution, Green house effect, climate change, urbanization etc.., which is deteriorating the quality of the environment, air, water, food, etc. This is essential for human survival in day to day life

    The Guest lecture was given by Mr. N. Ganesan, Demonstrator of Health Inspector and Mr. A. Ranjith Kumar, Assistant Professor/Health Inspector in Vivekanandha Institude of Health Science and Research, Elayampalayam, Tiruchengode. The Principal Dr. N. Sheelavathi and Vice Principal Dr. M. Geetha were presided the function. The students of I ANM and I GNM were actively participated in the guest lecture. The event was concluded by memento given to the guest by Dr. M. Geetha, Vice Principal, VCN.


    In India, 21st September is celebrated as world Alzhemer’s Day. This report focuses on the crucial and timely subject of diagnosis. Diagnosis is still a major challenge globally, with those who seek a diagnosis often experiencing long wait times, if they are able to receive a diagnosis at all. Societal stigma, self stigma and clinician related stigma also exacerbate what is already a difficult journey.

    With this report we explore this diagnosis journey through the lens of those living with dementia and carers, clinicians, researchers and academic and Alzhemer and dementia association, as well as what can and must be improved. The Guest lecture was given Dr. T.Sandhya MBBS., MD., (Psy) Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry, Swamy Vivekanandha Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, Elayampalayam, Tiruchengode. The Principal Dr. N. Sheelavathi RNRM., PhD., and Vice Principal Dr. M. Geetha. RNRM., PhD., were presided the function. The students of III B. Sc Nursing and II GNM were actively participated in this programme.

    The quiz program regarding Alzhemers Day was conducted by Mrs. V. Nirosha, Head of the Department(Psychiatry) and the event was concluded by prize distribution given by Dr. M. Geetha, Vice Principal, VCN.


    World First Day is observed on 14th of September. So, this year the day is being celebrated today. The special day marked to encourage people in First Aid Training, which helps in preventing injuries and saving lives in critical situation. First Aid can save people lives in everyday situation. It provides an opportunity for citizens to understand and they can quickly skills that could say someone’s life.

    The theme for World First Aid Day 2021 is “First Aid and Road Safety”.

    First Aid is emergency care given immediately to a needed person. The purpose of first aid is to minimize injury and prevent further disability. The First Aid Day programme was celebrated by our Students at Mallasamutharam PHC at Namakkal District. The students of III- B.Sc (N) and staff were actively participated in various first aid activities and first aid camp. The programme was organized by YRC AND SNA members and conducted by Mrs. A. Suganya, Nursing Tutor, Department Medical Surgical Nursing.


    The day represents a global commitment to focus attention on suicide prevention. One in every hundred deaths across the world is the result of suicide. The day provides an opportunity to spread awareness of suicide and to promote action proven means. It will reduce the number of suicide globally.

    World Suicide prevention Day is organized by the international association for suicide prevention on 10th September. The main objective of the day is to raise awareness across the globe that suicide can be prevented. The theme of world suicide prevention Day 10.09.2021 is “Creating Hope through action”.

    The world suicide prevention day was celebrated on 11th September and it was organized by Principal Dr. N. Sheelavathi RNRM., PhD., and Vice Principal Dr. M. Geetha. RNRM., PhD., The students of III B. Sc Nursing and II GNM were actively participated and gained awareness regarding suicide prevention. The event was concluded by valuable feedback given by the students.

    Academic Year 2022


    1. 13.01.2022 World Leprosy Eradication day
    2. 04.02.2022 World Cancer day
    3. 08.02.2022 International Epilepsy day
    4. 06.03.2022 Medical Camp
    5. 08.03.2022 International Women’s Day
    6. 24.03.2022 World Tuberculosis Day


    Lamp Lighting Ceremony was conducted for the 32nd batch of B.Sc.(N), DGNM & 7th batch of ANM students of Vivekanandha College of Nursing (VCN), Elayampalayam, Tiruchengode, on 27.01.2023 in Paramedical Dental Auditorium at 10.00am.


    The procession started at 10.00am by Ist Year B.Sc.(N), DGNM & ANM students with their concern class coordinators.


    Invocation was done by the Ist Year B.Sc.(N), DGNM & ANM students. The Dignitaries lighted the Holy Lamp and started the programme. On this great occasion Mrs.Sujatha.A.,M.Sc.(N), Professor delivered the welcome speech.


    The Chief Guest of the Programme was Prof.Dr.Sharmila. J. ,M.Sc(N), Ph.D(N)., Principal cum professor, College of Nursing Sciences, Dyananda Sagar University, Bangalore. She delivered a special address to the Fresher’s regarding nursing profession & importance of nobility & regarding chemical, romantic, digital, behavioural abuse and holistic care, students safety & security.


    A total of 219 students of Ist year B.Sc.(N), DGNM & ANM received the light from Prof.Dr.M.Sumathi, M.Sc(N), Ph.D.(N), Principal, VCN, Dr.M.Geetha, M.Sc.(N) ,Ph.D.(N), Vice Principal, VCN, Mrs.Sujatha. A, M.Sc.(N) Professor, HOD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing, Mrs.Nirosha .V, M.Sc.(N) Associate Professor, HOD, Mental Health Nursing, Ms.Pavithra. C, M.Sc.(N), Associate Professor, HOD, Department of Child Health Nursing. The students led into the profession with their lamps lit. The principal recited the Florence Nightingale pledge and the students recapitulated it, committed themselves to the noble Profession. Afterwards the holy song was sung by all the Ist Year B.Sc.(N), DGNM & ANM students.


    Felicitation address have been given by the Principal, Vice Principal, about Nursing Profession and the importance of dedicated nursing services.


    Vote of thanks was given by Mrs.Gayathri, M.Sc.(N), Nursing Tutor, VCN. Program ended with National Anthem.



    The registration was started at 8 am. The registration committee members were guided the participants from various institutions and hospital from the main gate of paramedical campus to the auditorium for registration. After the registration, for all the participants conference kits were provided. Registration closed at 10 am and details of delegates are furnished with the report to Tamilnadu nurses and midwives council.

    • The inauguration ceremony was started at 8.30am with Tamilthaivalthu, then the kuthuvilakku was lightened by the dignitaries.
    • Associate professor Mrs.C.Priya,M.Sc.(N), Dept of medical surgical nursing has given welcome address to all the dignitaries present on the dais and participants from various colleges and students for this precious gathering
    • Followed the welcome address, the theme of the conference was introduced by Prof. Dr.M.Sumathi, Principal, Vivekanandha College of Nursing.
    • The theme of the conference is “promote critical thinking and evoke thought provoking, brain storming activities among students’’
    • "Education is the key to unlocking the world, A passport to freedom"
    • The first session (9am to 10am) presented by Prof.Dr.M.Sumathi, Principal, Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Elayampalayam regarding “INTRODUCTION AND FUTURE OF INNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODS”. She explained the importance and need for innovative teaching methods in nursing education.
    • The second session (10am to 11 am) presented by Prof.S.D.Kavitha, Principal, Bapuji College of Nursing, Shimoga, Karnataka, regarding “PEER ASSISTED LEARNING, PROBLEM BASED AND TEAM BASED LEARNING”. She has given a clear picture regarding peer tutoring, need for team based learning and the areas of team nursing.
    • Third session continued at 11.15am regarding “FLIPPED CLASSROOM PROJECTS, VIRTUAL REALITY TECHNOLOGY AND CROSS OVER TEACHING” by Prof.Mrs.Ramya,S.N., Ramaiah Institute of Nursing Education and Research, Bangalore, Karnataka. Which is an excellent interactive class and she explained in detail about how to flip the theory and practical classes how to use the cross over teaching and use of virtual reality technology.
    • Fourth scientific session at 12.15pm was presented by Prof.Mrs.Nathiya.K, Narayana College of Nursing, Nellore, Andrapradesh, regarding “USE THE DESIGN THINKING PROCESS, INQUIRY BASED LEARNING AND CONCEPT MAPPING” in a very interesting manner. She dealt about design thinking and use of concept maps in nursing practice.
    • Fifth session (2pm to 3pm) regarding “MNEMONIC WORDS, ROLEPLAYING AND SCENARIO ANALYSIS BASED LEARNING” has been dealt by Prof.Dr.Kirupa.P, Principal, Vivekanandha Nursing College for women, Sankagiri. She has given a clear picture regarding mnemonic words in nursing practice, use of role playing and scenarios in nursing education.
    • Sixth session was (3pm to 4pm) Presented by Prof.Dr.M.Geetha,Vice Principal ,Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Elayampalyam, regarding “TEACHING WITH SENSE OF HUMOR, Z TO A APPROACH AND JIGSAW METHOD” in a very attractive manner. She used humorous pictorial clippings to explain the Z to A approach and jigsaw method.
    • After the completion of scientific session, post test was given at 4.00pm to 4.15pm. The pretest results were 36%, whereas the post test results were 85%. The result shows, conference was very effective and useful to all students and delegates for updating their knowledge on innovative teaching methods in nursing. Everyone had wonderful experience and exposure to the topic.

    The observer Prof.Mrs.Pandimadevi. A from ANNAI J.K.K. Sampooraniyammal College of Nursing, had given report on whole day session. She mentioned that topic selection is very useful to all students and delegates. She noted experienced legendary resource persons were presented the topic in a well organized manner. She mentioned that all committee members were done their work in an effective manner like seating arrangement, stage arrangement, hospitality and refreshment etc. Finally she mentioned that as per the schedule, national conference went on very well.


    The whole day session was completed with the feedback from the participants. They had given their valuable feedback, all had a well exposure and enjoyed the question session which is performed during presentation. Overall the conference is very effective and useful to all participants for updating their knowledge on innovative teaching methods.


    Followed by feedback, the valedictory session was started at 4.30pm.The certificates were distributed to representative of various institution by the dignitaries.


    In the end Mrs.N.Kokila, M.Sc.(N), Dept. of OBG, Nursing Tutor, offered a vote of thanks. She has given vote of thanks to all participants for gracing the occasion by their solemn presence. She also shared her gratefulness towards to our management for supporting us to conduct this conference in an efficient manner and also the management of other institutions who made our conference very successful.