Academic year
Faculty Staff Development programme - 2023-2024
Pediatrics Emergencies
The Faculty Skill Development Programme regarding “Pediatrics Emergencies” was successfully conducted on 16.11.2024 for Faculty in Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Elayampalayam by Department of Child Health Nursing. All the faculty of Vivekanandha College of Nursing participated in the programme. The resource person was Prof. S. HEMALATHA M.Sc.Nursing., Principal, Mullai College of Nursing. She explained about the Pediatric Emergencies in an excellent way which was much useful in enhancing the practical knowledge of faculty members & students. This program was organized by Mrs.Sathiabhama, M.Sc. (N)., HOD & department of Child Health Nursing faculties.
The entire faculty updated their knowledge regarding Pediatrics Emergencies. The session was very interactive and useful for faculty and helpful to impart practical knowledge to the students while teaching thereby able to give quality education.
The Faculty Skill Development Programme regarding BUNDLES IN INFECTION PREVENTION AND SAFETY was successfully conducted on 21.09.2024 for Faculty in Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Elayampalayam by Medical Surgical Nursing Department. All the faculty of Vivekanandha College of Nursing participated in the programme. The welcome address was given by Mrs.Priya. C,M.Sc., (N)., M.Sc(Psy), HOD, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing. The resource person was Mrs.KALAIYARASI M.Sc(N).,Child Health Nursing, NABH National Quality Assurance Standards and National External Assessor, National Health System Resource Centre, Newdelhi. She explained about the Specific care bundles in an excellent way which include bundles for the prevention of central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI), Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI), Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), and surgical site infection (SSI). Objectives of this programme was, enabling and assisting all categories of staffs, students and all Health care workers to adhere in comprehensive Infection prevention and control (IPC) practices at all levels of care. Providing safe and quality healthcare is highly useful in enhancing the practical knowledge of faculty members. This program was organized by Mrs. Priya C, M.Sc (N), HOD in Medical Surgical Nursing Department. Vote of thanks was given by Ms.Prageetha. N, M.Sc (N).
The overall assessment after skill development programme depicts that entire faculty and students updated their knowledge regarding Bundles in Infection Prevention and Safety also understand how to adhere to evidence-based practices, promote culture of consistency and accountability towards safety practices. The session was very interactive and useful for faculty and helpful to impart practical knowledge to the students while teaching thereby able to give quality education.
Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Department of Nursing Foundation conducted Faculty Skill Development Programme on “INFECTION CONTROL PRACTICES”. All our faculty are actively participated. The welcome address was given by Mrs.Gayathri V. M.Sc.(N), Asst.Professor, Department of Nursing Foundation. The resource person was Dr. Anitha Kumari. D M.Sc., (N)., Ph.D, Professor, Medical Surgical Nursing, Paul’s College of Nursing, Viluppuram (DT). She explained Infection Control Practices such as causes of infection, chain of infection, and preventing the transmission of infection in general practice setting. And also she elaborated the standard precautions to prevent the potential mode of transmission of the infection in an effective manner. Vote of thanks was given by Mrs T.Shobana, M.Sc.(N)., Nursing Tutor, Department of Nursing Foundation.
Through this Faculty skill development programme Faculty updated their knowledge regarding Infection control practices and its management. Thereby they can able to teach the students effectively.
Composting At Home
Vivekanandha College of Nursing conducted Faculty Skill Development Programme On “Composting At Home”. All our faculty & students are actively participated. The welcome address was given by Prof.Mrs.S.Nasira, M.Sc.(N), Ph.D(N) Professor, Department of Community Health Nursing. The resource person was Mr.A.Ranjithkumar., B.E in Environmental Engineering, Assistant Professor, Vivekanandha Institution of Health Sciences and Research. He explained detail about composting yard at home its needs, benefits in growing plants etc. Vote of thanks was given by Mrs.S.Shanmugapriya, M.Sc.(N)., Nursing Tutor, Department of Community Health Nursing.
Faculty updated their knowledge regarding composting at home.
Faculty Staff Development programme - 2022-2023
The Faculty Skill Development Programme regarding “Challenges in Nursing Care of Substance Abuse” was successfully conducted on 22.11.2023 for Faculty in Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Elayampalayam by Department of Mental Health Nursing. All the faculty of Vivekananda College of Nursing participated in the programme. The resource person was Ms.K.PRASANNA PRIYA LATHA, M.Sc.,(N), HOD in Psychiatric Nursing Department, Karnataka College of Nursing, Bangalore. She explained about the current challenges in nursing care of patients with substance abuse in an excellent way which was much useful in enhancing the practical knowledge of faculty members. This program was organized by Mrs.V. NIROSHA, M.Sc (N), HOD, department of Mental Health Nursing.
The entire faculty updated their knowledge regarding challenges in Nursing Care of Substance Abuse. The session was very interactive and useful for faculty and helpful to impart practical knowledge to the students while teaching thereby able to give quality education.
Current Emergencies in Pediatrics High Risk Newborn
The Faculty Skill Development Programme regarding Current Emergencies in Pediatrics High Risk Newborn was successfully conducted on 13.09.2023 for Faculty in Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Elayampalayam by Child Health Nursing Department. All the faculty of Vivekanandha College of Nursing participated in the programme. The resource person was Dr.M.R.RASHVI, M.B.B.S., MD.(Peadiatrics), Resident Doctor, New Civil Hospital, Surat. She explained about the importance of Current Emergencies in Pediatrics High Risk Newborn in an excellent way which was much useful in enhancing the practical knowledge of faculty members & students.This program was organized by Mrs. Sathiabhama, M.Sc (N), HOD in Child Health Nursing Department.
The entire faculty updated their knowledge regarding Current Emergencies in Pediatrics High Risk Newborn. The session was very interactive and useful for faculty and helpful to impart practical knowledge to the students while teaching thereby able to give quality education.
Core Concept and Applications of Forensic Science in Nursing
The Faculty Skill Development Programme regarding Core Concept and Applications of Forensic Science in Nursing was successfully conducted on 18.07.2023 for Faculty in Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Elayampalayam by Medical Surgical Nursing Department. All the faculty of Vivekanandha College of Nursing participated in the programme. The welcome address was given by Mrs.Priya. C,M.Sc., (N)., M.Sc(Psy), HOD, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing. The resource person was Prof. SUGUNA. P, M.Sc(N)., Medical Surgical Nursing, Incharge Nurse, General Intensive Care Unit, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She explained about the importance of forensic nursing, curriculum, core concepts, characteristics, trends in applications of forensic nursing and job opportunities related to forensic nursing in an excellent way which was much useful in enhancing the practical knowledge of faculty members. This program was organized by Mrs. Priya C, M.Sc (N), HOD in Medical Surgical Nursing Department. Vote of thanks was given by Ms.Prageetha. N, M.Sc (N).
The entire faculty updated their knowledge regarding Core Concept and Applications of Forensic Science in Nursing. The session was very interactive and useful for faculty and helpful to impart practical knowledge to the students while teaching thereby able to give quality education.
Neurological Assessment
Vivekanandha College of Nursing conducted Faculty Skill Development Programme On “Neurological Assessment”. All our faculty are actively participated. The welcome address was given by Mrs.V.Gayathri,M.Sc.(N),HOD, Department of Nursing Foundation. The resource person was Mr.Balaji S. K ,RN.,RP, M. Sc, (N)., Stroke ICU – Incharge, Sagar Hospitals, Bangalore. He explained about the Neurological Assessment, steps, Components ( GCS, Cranial nerve assessment, Sensory assessment, Motor assessment & Reflexes through videos). Vote of thanks was given by Ms.Esakkiammal M, M.Sc (N).
Faculty updated their knowledge regarding “Neurological Assessment”.
The Training of Trainers on Simulation was successfully conducted by Mrs.A.Sujatha, M.Sc.(N), Professor, Department of OBG, Vivekanandha College of Nursing on 13.04.2023 at seminar hall in Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Elayampalayam. Faculty and M.Sc.,(N) students have attended the presentation. She explained about the structure of a simulation scenario like briefing, simulation, debriefing, steps involved in prebriefing and role play of simulation scenario by the team of faculty.
All the faculty and M.Sc.,(N) students gained knowledge & awareness regarding the Simulation technique which was amplify real experiences with guided experiences. This help the faculty to teach the new innovation in Nursing and boost the skills, knowledge & ultimately confidence levels among the nursing students.
Obstetrical Emergencies
Vivekanandha College of Nursing conducted Faculty Skill Development Programme On “Obstetrical Emergencies”. All our faculty & students are actively participated. The welcome address was given by Mrs.P.Indira, M.Sc.(N), Nursing Tutor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Nursing. The resource person was Mrs.Megilin Bose.C, M.Sc., Ph.D.(N), Professor, Narayana College of Nursing, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. She explained obstetrical emergencies in detailed manner, including post partum hemorrhage criteria and the role of nurse in obstetrical emergencies, maneuvers in obstetrics emergencies and its management. Vote of thanks was given by Mrs.S.Keerthana, M.Sc.(N).
Faculty updated their knowledge regarding obstetrical emergencies and its management.
Vivekanandha College of Nursing conducted Faculty Skill Development Programme on “ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITY OF MID-LEVEL HEALTH CARE PROVIDER (MLHCP)”. All our faculty is actively participated. The welcome address was given by Mrs.S.Shanmugapriya. M.Sc.(N) Nursing Tutor, Department of Community Health Nursing. The resource person was MRS.R.VASUNTHALADEVI.,M.Sc(N).,ASSISSTANT PROFFESSOR. She explained the Detail about,
Mid-Level Health Care Provider (MLHCP):
According to WHO, Mid Level Health Provider is Health Provider, Who is trained, authorized and regulated to work automatically, who receives pre-service training at a higher education institution for at least 2-3 years and whose scope of practice including being able to diagnose, manage and treat illness, disease and impairments, prescribed medicine, as well as engage in preventive and promotive care.
Needs of Mid-Level Health Care Provider (MLHCP):
- Involve government Scheme
- Maintain SC/PHC/CHC centers work
- Immunization week celebration
- Involve in vital statistical Records
- PHC give independently to diagnose, manage and treatment of Minor Ailments and Impairments
- Engage in preventive expended Health Care Service delivery
- Continuum of care, Tele-Health and Referral.
Roles and Responsibility of Mid-Level Health Care Provider (MLHCP):
- Providing patients with preventive medication
- Preventing diseases from spreading
- Educating people about prevention, cures and other such tips
- Disseminating information about how to live healthy lives.
- MCH Services
- Newborn and Child Care
- Adolescent care
- Family Planning
- Reproductive Care
- Communicable Disease Prevention
- ENT Services
- Mental Health Services
- Dental Care
- Old age Care Services
All Faculty are updated their knowledge regarding Mid-Level Health Care Provider (MLHCP), Mid-Level Health Care Provider (MLHCP) in India, Needs of Mid-Level Health Care Provider (MLHCP), Roles and Responsibility of Mid-Level Health Care Provider (MLHCP).
Understanding Emotions: Setting Life In Motion
Vivekanandha College of Nursing conducted Faculty Skill Development Programme On “Understanding Emotions: Setting Life In Motion”. All our faculty are actively participated. The welcome address was given by Mrs.V.Nirosha.,M.Sc.(N),HOD, Department of Mental Health Nursing. The resource person wasMrs.V.Preethi.,M.Sc,(N)., (C & PT),Registered General Nurse, Barchester Health Care, United Kingdom. She explained about the meaning, purpose, basic emotions, difference between feelings & emotions, factors affecting emotions, 4 ways of understanding emotions, ways of identifying emotion, why do we need emotion, how to become boss of our emotions, self compassion, steps to control emotion, ways of managing emotion at work. Vote of thanks was given by Mrs.Chitra.V, M.Sc (N).
Faculty updated their knowledge regarding “Understanding Emotions- Setting Life in Motion”.
The journal club presentation on “Seckel syndrome” was successfully conducted by Child Health Nursing Department on 30.07.2022 at seminar hall in Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Elayampalayam. Presentation was done by Mrs.V.MEENAKSHI, B.Sc.(N), Nursing Tutor, VCN. Faculty and M.Sc.(N) students have attended the presentation. She explained about the Seckel Syndrome, History of “Seckel syndrome”, Definition, Incidence, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnostic Test, Management and Prevention of seckel syndrome with journal evidences and various research reports.
All the faculty and M.Sc.(N) students gained knowledge regarding the “SECKEL SYNDROME”
The journal club presentation on ‘Tai Chi' Exercise was successfully conducted by Community Health Nursing department on 31.05.2022 at seminar hall in Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Elayampalayam. Presentation was done by Mr.M.POOVARASAN, M.SC (N), Nursing Tutor, VCN. Faculty and M.Sc.(N ) students have attended the presentation. He explained about the ‘Tai Chi' Exercise, its do's and don’ts,road blocks and overcome the yards,history of ‘Tai Chi' Exercise, practice, principles, different styles,dress code and foot wear, precautions, different formswith journal evidences and various research reports.
All the faculty and M.Sc.(N) students gained knowledge regarding the ‘Tai Chi' Exercise.
Midwifery Practice in India-Present Scenario
Vivekanandha College of Nursing conducted Faculty Skill Development Programme on “Midwifery Practice in India-Present Scenario”. All our faculty are actively participated. The welcome address was given by Mrs.P.Indira. M.Sc.,(N)., Tutor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Nursing. The resource person was Mrs.MANONMANI VENKAT., M.Sc.,(N).,Dip in Orthopedic Nursing, Principal, Manmohini academic Institution, West Bengal. She explained about the midwifery practice in India-Present scenario including midwives education, Training cascade, NNCs and SNCs of India, future of midwives in India etc.. Vote of thanks was given by Mrs. S.Keerthana M.Sc.,(N).
Current trends in surgical emergencies among children
Vivekanandha College of Nursing conducted Faculty Skill Development Programme On “Current Trends In Surgical Emergencies Among Children”. All our faculty are actively participated. The welcome address was given by Ms.J.VelvezhiM.Sc.(N) HOD Child health nursing. The resource person was Dr.S.Vasanthakumari., M.Sc(N). ,Ph.D(N)., MA.,PGDEMS., (PGDHA), Associate Professor, Institute of Health Sciences, Wollega University, Ethiopia. She explained the current trends in surgical emergencies including Minimally Invasive Paediatric Surgery, Paediatric Laparoscopic Surgery, Robotic Paediatric Surgery, Learning Curves in Paediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery, and Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery in Children. She also explained the future development in surgeries. Vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Bharathi.V B.Sc (N).
Faculty updated their knowledge regarding current trends in surgical emergencies among children.
Mechanical Ventilator, Ventilator Alarms & Troubleshooting
The Faculty Skill Development Programme regarding Mechanical Ventilator, Ventilator Alarm and Ventilator Trouble Shooting was successfully conducted on 28.03.2022 for Faculty in Vivekanandha College of Nursing, Elayampalayam by Medical Nursing Department. All the faculty of Vivekanandha College of Nursing participated in the programme. The resource person was Mr. Hemanathkumar.K M.Sc (N)., SEHE, NHET-SIM, Stimulation Educator (Critical care Nursing), Advanced Centre for Medical Simulation & Skills, all India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), Rishikesh. He explained about the advanced mechanism of ventilators, modes, troubleshooting in an excellence way which was much useful in enhancing the practical knowledge of faculty members. This program was organized by Mrs.Priya, M.Sc (N)., HOD, Associate Professor in Medical Surgical Nursing Department.
All the faculty updated their knowledge regarding the mechanical ventilator, ventilator alarms and ventilator trouble shooting. The session was very interactive and useful for faculty and helpful to impart practical knowledge to the students while teaching thereby able to give quality education.
National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme
Faculty development programme was successfully conducted in our Vivekanandha College of Nursing on 1st of November by community department. The FDP programme was taken by Mrs.M.Sindhumathi B.Sc., (N) working as a Clinical instructor in Vivekanandha College of Nursing. She has taken under the title “National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme.” The FDP programme received an overwhelming response among our faculties from various Departments.
Faculty Staff Development programme - 2021-2022
The Indian Nursing Council is organizing an Orientation programme on Revised B. Sc Nursing Syllabus and Nursing program for the entire Nursing faculty including Principal College of Nursing & Dean/Registrar of all the Universities.
The Faculties actively participated in the orientation program and gained more information about B.Sc Nursing syllabus. The Indian Nursing Council organized orientation workshop on revised B. Sc Nursing syllabus programme for the College of nursing. The Principal and vice Principal were actively participated for four days virtual programme with three hour session on Zoom platform at 10.30AM to 1.30 PM from 01.09.2021 to 04.09.2021.
Training Program
Our principal N.Sheelavathi and R.Revathi Nursing faculty were attended the seven days training programme (22.02.2021 to 28.02.2021) on RMNCH+A sponsored by government of India organized by tamilnadu nurses midwives council,Chennai.,Hosted at Annai JKK Sampoorani Ammal College of Nursing,Komarapalayam.
Our principal Prof.Dr.N.sheelavathi and vive principal Prof.Dr.M.Geetha were attended Virtual seminar on "Champion - Nurse Administrator” on 21.04.21 organized by tamilnadu nurses midwives council, Chennai.
Our principal Prof.Dr.N.sheelavathi presented a webinar topic on Role of teacher in prevention of COVID -19 among students and teachers in Krishnashree College of education for women, on 03rd June 2021.
- Child health nursing department were organized the webinar on child feeding practice in the context of covid- 19 on 26.04.2021.Mrs.Mushinath A R,Professor from little flower college of nursing,Trivandrum,kerala was the resource person. Organizing secretary-Mrs.R.Sangeetha M.SC Nursing.
- Medical surgical nursing department Mrs.C.Priya were organized the webinar on Personal productive Equipment-Skin Injury Prevention and management on 04.05.2021.Resource person Professor Mr.Anand Sam Perera.S. From swami vivekhanand subhari university Meerut.
- Mental health nursing department had organized a webinar on Counseling approach and basic methods of psychotherapy in Covid 19 situation on25.05.21.Organizing secretary-Mrs.V.Nirosha M.Sc (N), Resource Person Prof.Arun R. from swami Vivekananda Subhari University, Meerut.
- From OBG department Mrs.Nageswari Nursing had arranged webinar topic is Mucormycosis on 18.06.2021. Resource person was professor from karpaga vinayaga college of nursing.
- Community health Nursing department will plan to conduct webinar on29.06.21 in the topic of transformational needs of health care system in post covid. Resourse person will be Mrs.Sheeliya white, N, M.Sc Nursing, MBA, Assitant Professor in applied Science College for females, Alnamas, Saudhi Arabia. Organizing secretary: Dr.N.Sheelavathi,Principal,VCON